Equity investment for faster growth
Are you looking at equity funding to support your strategic growth plan ?
Are you in technology, software or other niche sectors with high levels of R and D ?
Is your route to market clear, achievable, and expected to offer high levels of sustainable growth ?
The Equity investment route
Attractive to companies which are unsuitable for debt finance or cannot cover high borrowing costs.
The key is demonstrating an experienced, well balanced and ambitious management team committed to delivering fast growth and high levels of profit over the medium term.
Equity is usually more expensive than debt as loan interest is tax deductible whilst dividends are paid from post tax profits.
Types of investor
Individuals / Business Angels
Typically invest over 3-6 years
May offer complimentary skills and strategic contacts
EIS and SEIS offer tax relief on income tax and CGT if investments held for minimum period
May be appointed as non-executive directors and / or business consultants – but not essential
Funding range £75k to £250k but may fund more in syndicates
Crowd funding offers an alternative managed investment route with much smaller individual investments
Regional Investment Funds
Typically seek to offer investment to fast growth companies in their geographic region
Time frame – typically 2-5 years
Lower set up / support costs than Private Equity
Typically seek passive board representation
Attractive to companies offering employment growth
Funding typically £50 - £500k
Private Equity / Family Offices
Typically invest in significantly larger transactions from £1m to £10m plus
More expensive / aggressive in terms than regional funds
Strongest in London and South East but growing regional presence
Typical investment term 3 – 7 years
Will seek active board representation
P/E houses invest for exceptional returns balancing risk and reward – typically seek returns of 3 -5 * the original investment
Best suited to companies in niche markets offering high growth and strong barriers to market entry
How we can help
We can support your company with a comprehensive risk based review of suitability for equity funding and your detailed business plan / forecasts
Product development – objective assessment of market readiness with 3rd party commercial due diligence as appropriate
Board appraisal looking objectively at gaps in the management team
Cost benefit analysis of debt vs. equity
Support with search and selection of investors
Funding round support / hosting meetings and deal negotiations